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Tag: dog health

Locked Inside A Cage His Entire Life, Cesar Is Finally Free

It's a very sad fact of life that puppy farms and puppy mills exist - they are awful things. This uplifting story is all...

Family Dog’s Tail Stopped Working Due To An Unlikely Cause

Family Dog's Tail Stopped Working It is quite rare for a dog's tail to stop working and when it does, it is definitely a cause...

How To Make Your Dog Happier: The Ultimate Guide

Dogs are generally very happy animals. However, there are always ways that we can inject a bit more happiness into their lives. And into...

“Stone Puppy” Who Never Had A Human Interaction Makes A Miraculous...

Petri is a homeless 3-month-old puppy found on a mountainside near a bustling Athens suburb. Unfortunately, Petri's mother is also a stray who left...

Performance Artist Organizes Special Concert For Dogs

Laurie Anderson, a performance artist based in New York, organized a concert that's exclusively for dogs. What makes this project so unique is only dogs...

10 Human Foods That Dogs Can Eat And 5 That Are...

Although we all know that it’s best to give your dog proper dog food, it’s fine to give her the occasional human-oriented treat. Do please...

How To Help Your Dog Gain Weight

Sometimes, your dog just isn't getting enough nutrition or is burning off all the calories they are eating. Sometimes, if you get a rescue...