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Tag: dog happiness

How To Make Your Dog Happier: The Ultimate Guide

Dogs are generally very happy animals. However, there are always ways that we can inject a bit more happiness into their lives. And into...

Meet The Pit Bull Who Has A Knack For Hiking

In this story, you will meet a pit bull who has a knack for hiking with her owner. This pit bull is named Penni...

This Perpetually Grumpy Shiba Inu Makes Everyone Smile

This story is all about how a perpetually grumpy Shiba Inu makes everyone smile! So read on to find out all about Chester.... Scientists...

Performance Artist Organizes Special Concert For Dogs

Laurie Anderson, a performance artist based in New York, organized a concert that's exclusively for dogs. What makes this project so unique is only dogs...

This Dog Is So Happy To Get His Snack That He...

If there is one thing that is common between humans and dogs, it's our love for food! Just like us, these canines had grown...

There’s An Adorable School Bus For Dogs And It’s A Play...

While most of us are burning the midnight oil, stuck in traffic after a long day of work, and completing our fifth overtime for...

Dog Likes Her Toy So Much That She Guards It Even...

Dogs can be possessive of their humans, food or even toys – and this is not a new phenomenon at all. Dogs had already...