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Tag: heart-warming dog stories

Dogs Ecstatic After Getting Freed From Chains, Their Reactions Went Viral!

Far too many of our canine friends are unfortunately abused or neglected, or both. Even one abused dog is one too many. The lucky...

Golden Retriever Gives The Most Adorable Apology Ever After Stealing His...

We all have to apologize to somebody every once in a while. And it often includes a big hug. Sometimes, dogs apologize to each...

Owner Of Nightclub Chose To Close Shop To Help Stray Dogs

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Owning a nightclub can be a lucrative business. But a deep love of animals and a strong sense of...

A Hotel In Mississippi Serves As A Foster Home For Dogs

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes We all enjoy staying in hotels. This particular establishment has done something a bit different. There is now a...

Travel Buddies: Dog And Cat Go On Adventures Together

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Meet travel buddies Henry and Baloo - a dog and a cat that go on adventures together! Table of ContentsPeople...

A Great Dane Thought To Be Lost Followed His Owner To...

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes This is a heart-warming dog story of how a Great Dane, thought to be lost, had actually followed his...

Rescued Squirrel Is Loved By His Dog Siblings

Zach The Squirrel Is Rescued During A Hurricane It's not often we hear about squirrels being rescued. And how often do you hear about a...