This Dog Will Give You A Good Game In Jenga
danielle828 (CC0), Pixabay

In every family, there is at least one pet. Pets are now becoming a part of families to make the bond even stronger. The most common pets in households are dogs.

By default, dogs are very loyal animals toward their master. When we say loyal, they will do everything to please their owner. And since they are part of the family, most dogs somehow learn to interact and play with their humans.

This dog, later known as Remy, has mastered the game of Jenga. As we all know by now, this game requires its players to have great control and concentration. The dog undoubtedly possesses these as she was able to win games more often.

According to one of Remy’s owners, Ashley Agapiou, the pooch is adorable. She added that when they adopted the dog at five months old, the household became lively as Remy’s personality is infectious.

Agapiou likewise mentioned that whenever the dog has a new toy, she would climb over any of the family members and show it to their face.


Remy Could Give You A Run For Your Money

While the pooch is a little bit playful, Agapiou and her family are very supportive of the dog. In one of their bonding moments, Remy was all busy playing with the Jenga tower while other members of the family were watching a basketball game.

As a dog, we would think that Remy is no expert in this, since the game requires steady hands. But make no mistake, because the pooch could give you a run for your own money in this game. Remy showed Agapiou what she is made of in the game of Jenga.

At one point, Remy clawed one of the bottom blocks of the Jenga puzzle. This is a risky move, given the weight of the tower. Even then, the tower just wobbled but remained standing.

Agapiou filmed what Remy achieved. She later uploaded the video on Remy’s Instagram account. Many netizens lauded Remy for a job well done, and they hope their dogs could also pull this kind of trick.

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Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

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Credits to Miss Remington Bear.


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